Shadows and Shades: a Lexicon for the Portuguese Urban Landscape
01.07 – 01.09.2023
‘Shadows and Shades: a Lexicon for the Portuguese Urban Landscape’ explores the interplay between light and its absence, capturing the often-unnoticed nuances that shape the urban experience. It is based on photo documentation of continuous shadow and shade observations in the city of Porto and in northern Portugal over a two-month period.
Natache Sylvia Iilonga’s work focuses on the vital role played by shadow and shade in the current process of adapting to climate change. During her time at INSTITUTO, Natache Iilonga extensively documented places in the city where shadow and shade are present, created by architectural or natural, permanent or temporary elements. The artist explored the relationship between the concepts and visual representations of ‘shadow’ as the product of sunlight being blocked by someone or something and ‘shade’ as the result of intentional sun protection intended to lower temperatures in urban environments.
Natache Iilonga’s residency took place as part of the InResidence, Ágora – Cultura e Desporto, E.M. programme.